Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Yuliia, I from Ukraine. And everything that you subtract here is my fantasies and handiwork. If in a few words about myself, then in the past I'm a copywriter and content manager, in the present I'm a mother of a dinosaur (Gucci parrot) and small sausage (dachshund Stitch), a furious participant in all marathons and IT courses and a professional clothes maker who dresses herself and the world around.

This blog was born in 2016. Since then, its visual part has changed dozens of times, but the inner part has remained unchanged over the years - here sincerely, friendly, for real. Along with the blog, my love for writing and photography came into my life and I also realized how much I love clothes (as a result of which I filled my entire wardrobe to impenetrability and opened an Instagram store for fashionistas).

Shkvo blog — is a space that inspires experimentation, teaches you to speak loudly, laugh and live for your own pleasure. Here we make fashion regardless of price tags, discuss cosmetics, improve our profiles on social networks, find incredible locations for recreation and share useful life hacks. The most important thing is common interests, feedback and support.

For me personally, Shkvo blog — is a place of strength and motivation! And I really want every visit here to charge you with positive to the marrow of your bones (well, or to your fingertips - choose for yourself). Stay with me, we'll get along, I know for sure 
